الاثنين، 29 يونيو 2015

Data-Driven Security: Analysis, Visualization And Dashboards ($40.99 Value) FREE eBook Available

Data-Driven Security: Analysis, Visualization and Dashboards ($40.99 Value) FREE eBook Available for a limited time!

Uncover hidden patterns of data and respond with countermeasures.

Security professionals need all the tools at their disposal to increase their visibility in order to prevent security breaches and attacks. You'll soon understand how to harness and wield data, from collection and storage to management and analysis as well as visualization and presentation.

Using a hands-on approach with real-world examples, this book shows you how to gather feedback, measure the effectiveness of your security methods, and make better decisions. Everything in this book will have practical application for information security professionals.

  • Helps IT and security professionals understand and use data, so they can thwart attacks and understand and visualize vulnerabilities in their networks
  • Includes more than a dozen real-world examples and hands-on exercises that demonstrate how to analyze security data and intelligence and translate that information into visualizations that make plain how to prevent attacks
  • Covers topics such as how to acquire and prepare security data, use simple statistical methods to detect malware, predict rogue behavior, correlate security events, and more
  • Written by a team of well-known experts in the field of security and data analysis

Lock down your networks, prevent hacks, and thwart malware by improving visibility into the environment, all through the power of data and Security Using Data Analysis, Visualization and Dashboards.

Publisher: Wiley

Whats So Good About Pretty Good Privacy (PGP)?

Whats So Good About Pretty Good Privacy (PGP)?

Pretty good privacy a program developed by Philips R.zimmermann in 1991 gained its popularity in encryption-decryption of email over the internet and also to authenticate messages with digital signatures, and is now widely used by many corporations to ensure privacy.

What is PGP ?

Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) is a data encryption and decryption computer program that provides cryptographic privacy and authentication for data communication. PGP is often used for signing, encrypting, and decrypting texts, e-mails, files, directories, and whole disk partitions and to increase the security of e-mail communications.

How it works?  

Pretty good privacy uses a variation of asymmetric cryptography hence, requires two separate keys public key (known to all) and private key (known to the user only) per user. These keys may be different but this key pair is mathematically linked. You  encrypt a message you send to someone else using their public key. When they receive it , they decrypt it using their private key.

When a user encrypts plaintext with PGP, PGP first compresses the plaintext. PGP then creates a session key, which is a one-time-only secret key. This key is a random number generated from the random movements of your mouse and the keystrokes you type. This session key can work with two public key versions i.e. RSA and Diffie-Hellman algorithms to encrypt plain text ; result is cipher text. Once the data is encrypted, the session key is then encrypted to the recipient's public key. This public key-encrypted session key is transmitted along with the cipher text to the recipient.

Decryption works in the reverse. The recipient's copy of PGP uses his or her private key to recover the temporary session key, which PGP then uses to decrypt the conventionally-encrypted ciphertext.

Where we can use pretty good privacy?

Pretty good privacy can be used to authenticate digital certificates and encrypt/decrypt texts, emails, files, directories and whole disk partitions.

For mobile email encryption Symantec gives add-ons mobile encryption application for android and apple IOS

For windows users : 
Gpg4win for file and email encryption.

For Linux users: 
Seahorse is a graphical interface for managing and using encryption keys. Currently it supports PGP keys (using GPG/GPGME) and SSH keys.

About The Author: 
Kaushal Jangid, I am a computer enthusiast, VAPT, Security Researcher. Also working with HOC to contribute as security research articles.

Blackbone Windows Memory Hacking Library

Blackbone: Windows Memory Hacking Library


  • x86 and x64 support

Process interaction

  • Manage PEB32/PEB64
  • Manage process through WOW64 barrier

Process Memory

  • Allocate and free virtual memory
  • Change memory protection
  • Read/Write virtual memory

Process modules

  • Enumerate all (32/64 bit) modules loaded. Enumerate modules using Loader list/Section objects/PE headers methods.
  • Get exported function address
  • Get the main module
  • Unlink module from loader lists
  • Inject and eject modules (including pure IL images)
  • Inject 64bit modules into WOW64 processes
  • Manually map native PE images


  • Enumerate threads
  • Create and terminate threads. Support for cross-session thread creation.
  • Get thread exit code
  • Get main thread
  • Manage TEB32/TEB64
  • Join threads
  • Suspend and resume threads
  • Set/Remove hardware breakpoints

Pattern search

  • Search for arbitrary pattern in local or remote process

Remote code execution

  • Execute functions in remote process
  • Assemble own code and execute it remotely
  • Support for cdecl/stdcall/thiscall/fastcall conventions
  • Support for arguments passed by value, pointer or reference, including structures
  • FPU types are supported
  • Execute code in new thread or any existing one

Remote hooking
  • Hook functions in remote process using int3 or hardware breakpoints
  • Hook functions upon return

Manual map features

  • x86 and x64 image support
  • Mapping into any arbitrary unprotected process
  • Section mapping with proper memory protection flags
  • Image relocations (only 2 types supported. I haven't seen a single PE image with some other relocation types)
  • Imports and Delayed imports are resolved
  • Bound import is resolved as a side effect, I think
  • Module exports
  • Loading of forwarded export images
  • Api schema name redirection
  • SxS redirection and isolation
  • Activation context support
  • Dll path resolving similar to native load order
  • TLS callbacks. Only for one thread and only with PROCESS_ATTACH/PROCESS_DETACH reasons.
  • Static TLS
  • Exception handling support (SEH and C++)
  • Adding module to some native loader structures(for basic module api support: GetModuleHandle, GetProcAdress, etc.)
  • Security cookie initialization
  • C++/CLI images are supported
  • Image unloading
  • Increase reference counter for import libraries in case of manual import mapping
  • Cyclic dependencies are handled properly

Driver features

  • Allocate/free/protect user memory
  • Read/write user and kernel memory
  • Disable permanent DEP for WOW64 processes
  • Change process protection flag
  • Change handle access rights
  • Remap process memory
  • Hiding allocated user-mode memory
  • User-mode dll injection and manual mapping
  • Manual mapping of drivers


Blackbone is licensed under the MIT License. Dependencies are under their respective licenses.


الأحد، 28 يونيو 2015

Nuclide: An Open IDE Experience for Hack development

Nuclide : An open IDE for web and native mobile development, built on top of Atom to Provide Hackability.

Nuclide is the first IDE with support for Hack, including autocomplete, jump-to-definition, inline errors, and an omni-search bar for your project. Nuclide has been built from the start to provide a great IDE experience for Hack development. 

Project by Facebook!

A unified developer experience for web and mobile development, built as a suite of packages on top of Atom to provide hackability and the support of an active community.

Nuclide is a collection of packages for Atom to provide IDE-like functionality for a variety of programming languages and technologies.


To install a pre-built version of Nuclide, install the nuclide-installer package in Atom. This package will ensure that you have the full set of Nuclide packages.

If you have never installed an Atom package before, follow the package installation instructions from the Atom Flight Manual to do it through the Atom UI, or run the following from the command line:

apm install nuclide-installer

The first time you start Atom after installing the nuclide-installer package, you will have to wait a few seconds for the installer to determine which Nuclide packages it needs to install or update. To determine whether the installer worked, go to the Settings view in Atom and select the Packages tab. From there, filter your installed packages by nuclide- and verify you see the packages listed in the next section.


Nuclide contains the following Atom packages:

  • nuclide-flow Adds support for Flow. If flow is on your $PATH, then opening .js files with the /* @flow */ pragma under a directory with a .flowconfig should expose information from Flow directly in Atom.
  • nuclide-hack Adds support for Hack by providing autocomplete and jump-to-definition functionality. Nuclide also includes a nuclide-language-hack package so that Hack files are syntax highlighted correctly.
  • nuclide-hg-repository Local changes to files in a Mercurial repository will be reflected in Atom's file tree and gutter UI as Atom does natively for Git repositories.
  • nuclide-remote-projects adds support for remote development. See the nuclide-server package for more information on setting up the server that nuclide-remote-projects will talk to so you can edit your foreign files in Nuclide. Note that this package is used in concert with nuclide-file-tree so that both local and remote files can be browsed from a familiar UI.
  • nuclide-quick-open provides an advanced file search UI with segmented search results.
  • Note that some Nuclide packages, such as nuclide-flow and nuclide-hack, work better when the linter package is installed. Note that linter is separate from Nuclide. (There is evidence that the linter package will eventually be bundled as part of Atom core.)

Repository Organization

Most developers choose to maintain individual Node and Atom packages in their own repositories. Because Nuclide is composed of so many packages, we chose to organize all of its code in a single repository rather than across a multitude of repositories. As such, this repository is organized as follows:

  • pkg/ Source code for Nuclide packages.
  • scripts/ Utilities for developing and deploying Nuclide packages.

Building from Source

If you want to experiment with modifications to Nuclide's code, we recommend that you build it from source. (Note that when you build from source, an inert instance of the nuclide-installer package will be installed, effectively disabling autoupdate for Nuclide packages. If you want to return to an ordinary installation of Nuclide, run apm install nuclide-installer and restart Atom to get it back.)

System Requirements

Python 2.6 or later.
Atom v0.209.0 or later.
node, npm, apm, and git must be on your $PATH. (Node must be v0.12.0 or later.)

Build and install Nuclide

Run the following command from the root of the repository:


or if you are on Windows:

python scripts\dev\setup

If you see any errors, try running the setup script again with the --verbose flag to get more debugging information.

The setup script will fetch the appropriate dependencies from npm and perform any necessary build steps. When complete, you should see several nuclide- packages in your ~/.atom/packages directory. Starting Atom after running ./scripts/dev/setup for the first time may be a little slow because of the large number of Babel files that need to be transpiled. (The results of transpilation are cached for future use. You can see how many files were transpiled from Timecop.)

Some users have reported errors when re-running ./scripts/dev/setup. (You should run this script whenever you add or remove a package, or change the dependencies in a package.json file.) Although it should not be necessary, running git clean -xfd to clear out stale files has fixed the problem for a number of developers. (On Windows, sometimes git clean -xfd has to be run several times to successfully delete the junctions created by the setup script.) If all else fails, you may want to create a fresh clone of Nuclide and run the setup script again from there.


read more: http://nuclide.io/

الخميس، 25 يونيو 2015

Disco De Reparação Do Windows 7 X86/X64

Uma das ferramentas mais utilizadas por técnicos em informática o disco de reparação do Windows 7 faz correções no sistema operacional, porém através dele não é possível instalar ou reinstalar o Windows 7. Mesmo assim, não perde sua eficiência e utilidade nos momentos críticos.

Tamanho: 760 MB
Formato: ISO
Facilidade de Uso: 10
Interface Gráfica: 10
Número de Mídias: 1 CD
Idioma: Multi

Raton Shop

Raton Shop
Raton Shop

Nero Burning ROM 2015 Torrent

Nero Burning ROM 2015

O que Há de Novo no Nero Burning ROM 2015?
Nero AirBurn: Grave arquivos diretamente do seu dispositivo Android e iOS
O Novo Launcher do Nero com acesso instantâneo a tarefas e tutoriais
Novo Manual do aplicativo para lhe ajudar a utilizar o Nero Burning ROM 2015

Grave e Arquive Sua Vida
Grave e arquive os seus preciosos arquivos em CDs, DVDs e discos Blu-ray, com o melhor programa de gravação do mundo e ainda crie discos confiáveis e de longa duração com o “SecurDisc”.

Grave O Que é Importante. Em Discos de Alta Qualidade.
O Melhor do mundo: Existe um motivo pelo qual Nero Burning ROM é ainda o aplicativo mais eficaz para gravar e arquivar os seus dados mais importantes. O seu avançado programa de gravação de discos permite que você grave CDs, DVDs e discos Blu-ray™ confiáveis e seguros. O Nero suporta as mais amplas variedades de dispositivos e, independentemente da unidade que você possui, você obtém a mais alta qualidade em gravação de discos, sempre.

Grave tudo. Em Todos os Dispositivos.
O Suporte Mais Amplo: Graças aos 20 anos de experiência no desenvolvimento dos mais avançados softwares de gravação de CDs, DVDs e discos Blu-ray™, o Nero Burning ROM suporta qualquer gravador de disco que exista e garante a você um disco de alta qualidade.

O Nero Burning ROM 2015 suporta a gravação em até 32 diferentes gravadores de CD, DVD ou Blu-ray, simultaneamente. Este tipo de processamento de dados durante a gravação é conseguido através de tecnologia sofisticada, a qual integra diferentes tipos de dispositivos e coordena sequências de dados para resultados perfeitos.

Gravação de Músicas de Primeira Classe
Um sonho para audiófilos: Grave a sua compilação pessoal de música em MP3 Pro, FLAC, de alta qualidade, e outros formatos, para CD ou DVD, crie também CDs de Áudio padrão de alta qualidade. Então, por que limitar a sua lista de reprodução do iTunes® e arquivos MP3 ao seu iPod® ou PC? Simplesmente grave o seu concerto em discos para ouvir facilmente em seu carro ou no seu aparelho de CD/DVD em casa

Gravação de Músicas de Primeira Classezoom

Pare de desperdiçar discos: Continue a gravar.
Com o Nero DiscSpan no Nero Burning ROM, você pode dividir arquivos enormes e gravá-los em múltiplos discos. Nero DiscSpan ademais, o SmartFit permite que você continue gravando arquivos grandes em múltiplos discos, de forma eficiente. Ainda combine tipos de disco tais como CD, DVD e Blu-ray™, para usá-los o mínimo de discos possível.

Pare de desperdiçar discos: Continue a gravar.zoom

Crie e Grave Imagens ISO de Forma Fácil
Utilize o ImageRecorder para criar facilmente arquivos de imagem de disco - apenas arraste e solte. Grave formatos de imagem de disco ISO, NRG, CUE e IMG em CDs, DVDs ou discos Blu-ray™.

Crie e Grave Imagens ISO de Forma Fácilzoom

Faça um Disco para Reprodução Automática
Reprodução Automática da forma certa: Com o Nero Burning ROM, você pode criar CDs, DVDs e discos Blu-ray™ que automaticamente reproduzam um arquivo executável definido com um ícone designado, ao ser colocado na sua unidade de PC. São os pequenos detalhes que fazem toda a diferença!
NOVO! Grave com o seu smartphone ou tablet!
NOVO! Selecione fotos preciosas, vídeos e ainda documentos no seu celular ou tablet
NOVO! Envie estes arquivos diretamente ao seu PC para gravação instantânea
NOVO! Funciona em iOS e Android

Idioma Português Brasil
Ano de Lançamento: 2015
Facilidade de Uso: 10
Interface Gráfica: 10
Tamanho: 90 MB

Raton Shop


Raton Shop
Raton Shop

KMSAuto Ativador De Todos Os Windows

Um dos melhores e mais consagrados Ativador para sistema operacional
KMS-activador para os sistemas operacionais Windows VL edições: Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, Server 2008, 2008 R2, 2012, 2012 R2 e do Office 2010, 2013. Além disso, você pode ativar o Office 2010 VL no Windows XP. Os switches fornecem acesso às chaves GVLK de instalação e configurar o agendador de tarefas.

Requerimentos do sistema:
Windows XP, Windows Vista, 7, o Windows 8, 8.1, Server 2008, 2008 R2, 2012, 2012 R2, edições do Office 2010/2013 VL.

**** O programa não requer qualquer versão .NET Framework. ****
Tamanho: 5MB
Formato: RAR
Raton Shop

Download servidor  MEGA

Raton Shop
Raton Shop

ConvertXtoHD Crack E Serial Torrent

Converta para Blu-ray

Converta seus vídeos para HD com apenas um clique - não importando o formato original - para assistir em qualquer player Blu-ray ou AVCHD!
Crie pastas, discos e imagens ISO AVCHD e Blu-ray.
Suporte todos os arquivos de origem: .avi, .mkv, Blu-rays, DVDs, .mts, .mpg, FLV, veja mais
Escolha o tamanho de saída: DVD-5, DVD-9, BD-25, BD-50, ou valor personalizado
Dê aos seus vídeos tratamento Blu-ray com qualidade de imagem excepcional! Conversões são feitas com menus de aparência profissional fazendo seus discos muito fáceis de assisitir! *Querendo converter para outros formatos HD, veja nosso Video Converter


Veja as alterações em tempo real com a pré-visualização ao vivo!
Adicione legendas áudio
Edição avançada de legendas
Ajuste de sincronização
Gire vídeos
Gerenciamento de capítulos
Recorte partes do vídeo
Resolução 480, 576, 720, 1080
16:9 widescreen ou 4:3 tela cheia
Aumente o volume do áudio
Junte vários arquivos em um só
Personalize menus HD
Corte e preenchimento
Pré-visualização em tempo real!

hardware encodingQualidade & Velocidade

Velocidade de conversão é otimizada:
Vídeos são convertidos simultaneamente e otimizados para processamento multi-core
Otimização por hardware Nvidia Cuda/NVENC e INTEL QuickSync será usada para codificar e decodificar quando necessário
Configurações avançadas disponíveis, como filtros upscaling e downscaling e conversão em 2 passes.

easy to use hd converterFácil de Usar

Crie Blu-ray de qualquer vídeo com compatibilidade garantida com todos players Blu-ray caseiros.
Grave em disco
Grave várias cópias
Faça cópias de discos Blu-ray
Compatível com todos os formatos de discos e gravadores
Armazene conversões em dispositivos USB ou PC.
Opção de desligar o PC ao finalizar
Vários temas para alterar a aparência da interface
Disponível em vários idiomas
Inclui vários modelos de menu em HD
Inclui tutoriais "como fazer" e guias em vídeo

Tamanho 35 MB

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Raton Shop