الأربعاء، 30 سبتمبر 2015

BLUTO For DNS Recon, Brute Forcer and DNS Zone Transfer

BLUTO is attempting to Brute Force the target domain.
Recon, Subdomain Bruting, Zone Transfers.

The target domain is queried for MX and NS records. Sub-domains are passively gathered via NetCraft. The target domain NS records are each queried for potential Zone Transfers. If none of them gives up their spinach, Bluto will brute force subdomains using parallel sub processing on the top 20000 of the 'The Alexa Top 1 Million subdomains'.

NetCraft results are presented individually and are then compared to the brute force results, any duplications are removed and particularly interesting results are highlighted.

Bluto requires various other dependencies. So to make things as easy as possible, pip is used for the installation. This does mean you will need to have pip installed prior to attempting the Bluto install.

Pip Install Instructions

Note: To test if pip is already installed execute.

pip -V

(1) Mac and Kali users can simply use the following command to download and install pip.

curl https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py -o - | python

Bluto Install Instructions

(1) Once pip has successfully downloaded and installed, we can install Bluto:

pip install git+git://github.com/RandomStorm/Bluto

(2) You should now be able to execute 'bluto.py' from any working directory in any terminal.


Upgrade Instructions

(1) The upgrade process is as simple as;

pip install git+git://github.com/RandomStorm/Bluto --upgrade


Thug: A Tool For Python Low-Interaction Honeyclient

Thug: A Tool For Python Low-Interaction Honeyclient

Thug is a Python low-interaction honeyclient aimed at mimicing the behavior of a web browser in order to detect and emulate malicious contents.

The number of client-side attacks has grown significantly in the past few years shifting focus on poorly protected vulnerable clients. Just as the most known honeypot technologies enable research into server-side attacks, honeyclients allow the study of client-side attacks.

A complement to honeypots, a honeyclient is a tool designed to mimic the behavior of a user-driven network client application, such as a web browser, and be exploited by an attacker's content.


الثلاثاء، 29 سبتمبر 2015

How To Test Security in IPv4 and IPv6 Data Networks?

How To Test Security in IPv4 and IPv6 Data Networks ?

Evil Foca is a tool for security pentesters and auditors whose purpose it is to test security in IPv4 and IPv6 data networks. 

Compared to IPv4 address space is 32 bits which resulting 4 billion addresses.IPv6 offers larger address space. Its addresses are 128 bits long, resulting in an address space of 340 undecillion addresses.

In addition, IPv6 provides other technical benefits, particularly, it permits hierarchical address allocation methods that facilitate route aggregation across the Internet, and thus limit the expansion of routing tables. The use of multicast addressing is expanded and simplified, and provides additional optimization for the delivery of services. Device mobility, security, and configuration aspects have been considered in the design of the protocol.

The tool is capable of carrying out various attacks such as:

  • MITM over IPv4 networks with ARP Spoofing and DHCP ACK Injection.
  • MITM on IPv6 networks with Neighbor Advertisement Spoofing, SLAAC attack, fake DHCPv6.
  • DoS (Denial of Service) on IPv4 networks with ARP Spoofing.
  • DoS (Denial of Service) on IPv6 networks with SLAAC DoS.
  • DNS Hijacking.

The software automatically scans the networks and identifies all devices and their respective network interfaces, specifying their IPv4 and IPv6 addresses as well as the physical addresses through a convenient and intuitive interface.

Man In The Middle (MITM) attack

The well-known “Man In The Middle” is an attack in which the wrongdoer creates the possibility of reading, adding, or modifying information that is located in a channel between two terminals with neither of these noticing. Within the MITM attacks in IPv4 and IPv6 Evil Foca considers the following techniques:

ARP Spoofing: Consists in sending ARP messages to the Ethernet network. Normally the objective is to associate the MAC address of the attacker with the IP of another device. Any traffic directed to the IP address of the predetermined link gate will be erroneously sent to the attacker instead of its real destination.

DHCP ACK Injection: Consists in an attacker monitoring the DHCP exchanges and, at some point during the communication, sending a packet to modify its behavior. Evil Foca converts the machine in a fake DHCP server on the network.

Neighbor Advertisement Spoofing: The principle of this attack is identical to that of ARP Spoofing, with the difference being in that IPv6 doesn’t work with the ARP protocol, but that all information is sent through ICMPv6 packets. There are five types of ICMPv6 packets used in the discovery protocol and Evil Foca generates this type of packets, placing itself between the gateway and victim.

SLAAC attack: The objective of this type of attack is to be able to execute an MITM when a user connects to Internet and to a server that does not include support for IPv6 and to which it is therefore necessary to connect using IPv4. This attack is possible due to the fact that Evil Foca undertakes domain name resolution once it is in the communication media, and is capable of transforming IPv4 addresses in IPv6.

Fake DHCPv6 server: This attack involves the attacker posing as the DCHPv6 server, responding to all network requests, distributing IPv6 addresses and a false DNS to manipulate the user destination or deny the service.

Denial of Service (DoS) attack: The DoS attack is an attack to a system of machines or network that results in a service or resource being inaccessible for its users. Normally it provokes the loss of network connectivity due to consumption of the bandwidth of the victim’s network, or overloads the computing resources of the victim’s system.

DoS attack in IPv4 with ARP Spoofing: This type of DoS attack consists in associating a nonexistent MAC address in a victim’s ARP table. This results in rendering the machine whose ARP table has been modified incapable of connecting to the IP address associated to the nonexistent MAC.
DoS attack in IPv6 with SLAAC attack: In this type of attack a large quantity of “router advertisement” packets are generated, destined to one or several machines, announcing false routers and assigning a different IPv6 address and link gate for each router, collapsing the system and making machines unresponsive.

DNS Hijacking: The DNS Hijacking attack or DNS kidnapping consists in altering the resolution of the domain names system (DNS). This can be achieved using malware that invalidates the configuration of a TCP/IP machine so that it points to a pirate DNS server under the attacker’s control, or by way of an MITM attack, with the attacker being the party who receives the DNS requests, and responding himself or herself to a specific DNS request to direct the victim toward a specific destination selected by the attacker.


الاثنين، 28 سبتمبر 2015

#Breaking: Facebook Server is Down

#Breaking: Facebook Server is Down

As we checked in the http://www.isitdownrightnow.com/facebook.com.html 
site also commit its down for everyone

Site status server Down Check the screenshot

Facebook Server is up now

Exclusive Enterprise Security Kit (a $26.99 value) FREE For A Limited Time

Exclusive Enterprise Security Kit (a $26.99 value) FREE for a limited time!

Kit includes “Enterprise Security: A Data-Centric Approach to Securing the Enterprise” plus 3 other resources to help you understand how to secure enterprise data.

Download this exclusive kit and you'll get sample forms and process flows, solutions to enterprise information security challenges, and a glimpse into the roadmap to success. You'll also receive an easy-to-follow reference for implementing information security in the enterprise.

This kit is important for decision makers as new business models are developed and enterprise security becomes increasingly important.

The following kit contents will help you continue your research on Enterprise Security:

  • Enterprise Security: A Data-Centric Approach
  • Detecting DDoS: Attacks with Infrastructure Monitoring
  • Best Practices for Public Cloud Security
  • 15 Steps to Reducing Security Risks in Business Mobility

How To Hack iPhone To See Photos and Contacts Just in 30 Seconds

How To Hack iPhone ?
To See Photos and Contacts Just in 30 Seconds!

A new method to unlock a iPhone, iPad or iPod touch running on latest iOS 9 and iOS 9.1. The vulnerability has been discovered to access the device contacts and photos within 30 sec.

How to do unlock for iOS 9?

  • Type incorrect password 4 times 
  • For the fifth time Type the password 3 times and in 4th time hold the HOME button to invoke SIRI by the 4th digit.
  • Now ask the siri about the Time.
  • Tap the Clock icon to open the Clock app and add a new Clock, then write anything in the Choose a City field.
  • Now double tap on the word to select, you wrote to invoke the copy & paste menu, Select All and then click on "Share".
  • Tap the 'Message' icon in the Share Sheet, and again type something random, hit Return and double tap on the contact name on the top.
  • Select "Create New Contact," and Tap on "Add Photo" and then on "Choose Photo".
  • You'll now be able to see the entire photo library on the iOS device, which is still locked with a passcode. Now browse and view any photo from the Photo album individually.

Watch Video for bypass iOS 9 Lockscreen

After this bypass attack Apple have been updated new version iOS 9.0.1 but its still we can bypass its lockscreen.

Look below Video demonstrate:

Video for bypass iOS 9.0.1 Lockscreen

How To prevent by this attack?

Until Apple fixes this issue, iOS users can protect themselves by disabling Siri on the lock screen

  • Go to Settings > Touch ID & Passcode > Siri
  • Turn off Siri

Just few days back Biggest Security Breach In Apple App Store Gets Malware Infected.

الأحد، 27 سبتمبر 2015

Office 2016 Profissional PT-BR 32/64 BITS Torrent

Office 2016 Profissional  Final Crack Serial e Ativador PT-BR 32/64 BITS Torrent

 A versão Final do Microsoft Office 2016 lançada no dia 22 de setembro deste ano de 2015. 32 E 64 BITS com ativador embutido para validar como original

 Idioma PT BR

 Tamanho: 2 GB
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Nero 2016 Platinum PT-BR Ativador Torrent

Nero 2016 Platinum PT-BR Serial Crack Ativador Torrent
 O mais novo laçamento do  NERO 2016 PLATINUM

 Para fãs de música, a versão Platinum do Nero 2016 oferece o novo gravador de músicas stashimi, um serviço inteligente que localiza e grava músicas em MP3 a partir de mais de 100 mil estações de rádio da web – entre as quais centenas de emissoras brasileiras.

O stashimi permite criar uma coleção musical gratuita através do recurso “Lista de Desejos“, que faz a varredura das rádios em busca de uma canção que o usuário acabou de ouvir em algum lugar ou daquela versão que ninguém mais tem de uma banda.

 A edição Nero 2016 Platinum inclui, ainda, novidades para quem já tem uma TV 4K – vídeos capturados em filmadora, celular ou tablet podem ser editados e reproduzidos em Ultra HD, assim como shows de slides, usando centenas de efeitos especiais, modelos e menus profissionais.

 O editor de vídeo do Platinum oferece sofisticações como múltiplas trilhas para áudio, vídeo e legendas, controladas individualmente, de forma que é possível incluir trilhas sonoras, de efeitos e de narração com controle frame a frame, quase que como em um estúdio profissional.

 Tamanho: 352 MB
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Ativador Office 2016 Atualizado

Um dos melhores e mais consagrados Ativador para o pacote Office 2016

KMS-activador para  Office 2010, 2013 e Office 2016. Além disso, você pode ativar o Office 2010 VL no Windows XP. Os switches fornecem acesso às chaves GVLK de instalação e configurar o agendador de tarefas.

Requerimentos do sistema:
Windows XP, Windows Vista, 7, o Windows 8, 8.1, Server 2008, 2008 R2, 2012, 2012 R2, edições do Office 2010/2013/ 2016

**** O programa não requer qualquer versão .NET Framework. ****

Tamanho: 3MB
Formato: RAR
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Ativador Office 2016

Re-Loader Activator 1.4 RC 3

 Esta é a aplicação da ativação loader todas as versões do Windows e do Office 2016
 As seguintes versões do Windows podem ser ativadas com este carregador:

 Requisitos: NET Framework 4.0
 Tamanho: 2MB
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Driver Booster Pro 2 Serial Ativador

Driver Booster Pro 2 Serial Crack Ativador.

Driver Booster é um serviço online que serve para identificar os dispositivos de hardware presentes em seu computador e verificar os drivers instalados para eles.

 Além de encontrar drivers desatualizados, este programa também busca e instala os componentes

 Interface bonita e organizada
Funcionalidade descomplicada Baixa a instala os drivers automaticamente
Oferece ferramenta de restauração do sistema

Em português
 Tamanho: 40 MB
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Nero Express 2016 PT-BR Serial Crack Ativador

Nero Burning ROM & Nero Express 2016 PT-BR

 Essa é a versão mais leve do novo NERO, Nero Burning ROM & Nero Express 2016 (x32/x64)[Multi]

 O Nero, uma das mais conhecidas suítes de software multimídia do mundo, chega ao mercado este mês com sua versão 2016 celebrando seus 20 anos de atividade e com foco nas novas plataformas do mercado de PCs e dispositivos móveis.

 Com mais de 300 milhões de usuários de seus produtos no mundo, a companhia aposta que conseguiu abraça todos os desejos dos usuários.

 Tamanho: 32 MB

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Download BR2Share Versão Completo (Full)
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Kaspersky 2015 Ativador Serial Torrent

Kaspersky Total Security 2015 32/64 Bits.

Considerado o Melhor Anti Vírus do mundo. Protege sua vida digital O Kaspersky Total Security – multidispositivos é nossa solução definitiva de segurança, protegendo sua privacidade, seu dinheiro, suas fotos, seus arquivos e sua família contra ameaças da Internet.

É por isso que o chamamos de segurança total. Segurança em diversos dispositivos Protege sua privacidade Protegendo o seu dinheiro

 *Prêmio de Inovação AV-Test (na categoria Transações online seguras) Protege sua identidade, fotos, arquivos e mais Recursos antiphishing

 **Serviço de backup online fornecido pelo Dropbox. Protege seus filhos dos riscos online Simplifica a segurança em todos os dispositivos
 Combina proteção e eficiência

1. Instale;
 2. Caso esteja executando a proteção pare;
 3. Vá em configurações;
 4. Clique em Autodefesa;
 5. Desative a Autodefesa;
 6. Feche o programa;
 7. Execute como administrador o arquivo da pasta KTS 2015 Trial Reset;
 8. Pronto.

 Tamanho: 195 MB
Formato: EXE
Facilidade de Uso: 10
Interface Gráfica: 10
Número de Mídias: 1
 Idioma: Português
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DAEMON Tools 6 + Ativador Torrent

DAEMON Tools Pro Advanced 6 + Ativador Torrent

 Um dos melhore programas para gravar imagem ISO Todos os recursos DAEMON Tools estão agora disponíveis em uma solução

 - DAEMON Tools Pro Advanced. O que há de novo no DAEMON Tools Pro Advanced 6.0:
 - Cria VHD e TrueCrypt imagens.
 - Montagens VHD , VMDK , TrueCrypt e arquivos de imagem ZIP.
 - Acrescenta dispositivos HDD virtuais.
 - Oferece opção de montagem rápida através da aplicação , Windows Explorer e DAEMON Tools gadget.
 - Contém DAEMON Tools redesenhados gadget.
 - Fornece novos parâmetros de linha de comando para trabalhar com HDD virtual.
 - Sistema de licenciamento redesenhado e melhorado
 - Melhoria da emulação de drives SCSI e IDE

 Idioma Português Brasil
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DriverPack Online

Essa é a versão on line de um dos melhores instaladores de drives do mundo 
 A diferença dessa versão é que você tem que estar on line porém ela atualiza e procura drivers para seu pc ou notebook
Analise o seu computador para achar o driver não identificado 
 Atualizar drivers
 Download de drivers com rapidez, eficiência e completamente livre
 Tamanho: 2 MB

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Curso de Infraestrutura de Redes Microsoft

Curso de Infraestrutura de Redes - Microsoft Torrent
Apresenta desde o conceito de redes, até a configuração de servidores e virtualização.

Nº de páginas: videos
 Tamanho: 781 Mb´s
Formato: WMV
 Idioma: Português
Raton Shop

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Raton Shop

السبت، 26 سبتمبر 2015

Gryffin: A Large Scale Web Security Scanning Platform Project By Yahoo

Gryffin: A Large Scale Web Security Scanning Platform Project By Yahoo!

Gryffin is a large scale web security scanning platform. It is not yet another scanner. It was written to solve two specific problems with existing scanners: coverage and scale.

Better coverage translates to fewer false negatives. Inherent scalability translates to capability of scanning, and supporting a large elastic application infrastructure. Simply put, the ability to scan 1000 applications today to 100,000 applications tomorrow by straightforward horizontal scaling.


Coverage has two dimensions - one during crawl and the other during fuzzing. In crawl phase, coverage implies being able to find as much of the application footprint. In scan phase, or while fuzzing, it implies being able to test each part of the application for an applied set of vulnerabilities in a deep.

Crawl Coverage

Today a large number of web applications are template-driven, meaning the same code or path generates millions of URLs. For a security scanner, it just needs one of the millions of URLs generated by the same code or path. Gryffin's crawler does just that.

Page Deduplication

At the heart of Gryffin is a deduplication engine that compares a new page with already seen pages. If the HTML structure of the new page is similar to those already seen, it is classified as a duplicate and not crawled further.

DOM Rendering and Navigation

A large number of applications today are rich applications. They are heavily driven by client-side JavaScript. In order to discover links and code paths in such applications, Gryffin's crawler uses PhantomJS for DOM rendering and navigation.

Scan Coverage

As Gryffin is a scanning platform, not a scanner, it does not have its own fuzzer modules, even for fuzzing common web vulnerabilities like XSS and SQL Injection.

It's not wise to reinvent the wheel where you do not have to. Gryffin at production scale at Yahoo uses open source and custom fuzzers. Some of these custom fuzzers might be open sourced in the future, and might or might not be part of the Gryffin repository.

For demonstration purposes, Gryffin comes integrated with sqlmap and arachni. It does not endorse them or any other scanner in particular.

The philosophy is to improve scan coverage by being able to fuzz for just what you need.


While Gryffin is available as a standalone package, it's primarily built for scale.

Gryffin is built on the publisher-subscriber model. Each component is either a publisher, or a subscriber, or both. This allows Gryffin to scale horizontally by simply adding more subscriber or publisher nodes.

Operating Gryffin


1. Go
2. PhantomJS, v2
3. Sqlmap (for fuzzing SQLi)
4. Arachni (for fuzzing XSS and web vulnerabilities)
5. NSQ

  • running lookupd at port 4160,4161
  • running nsqd at port 4150,4151
  • with --max-msg-size=5000000

6. Kibana and Elastic search, for dashboarding

  • listening to JSON over port 5000
  • Preconfigured docker image available in https://hub.docker.com/r/yukinying/elk/


go get github.com/yahoo/gryffin/...



  • Mobile browser user agent
  • Preconfigured docker images
  • Redis for sharing states across machines
  • Instruction to run gryffin (distributed or standalone)
  • Documentation for html-distance
  • Implement a JSON serializable cookiejar.
  • Identify duplicate url patterns based on simhash result.


الجمعة، 25 سبتمبر 2015

Malvertising Campaign Targeting On Top Adult Websites

Oops! Malvertising Campaign Targeting On Top Adult Websites.

Malvertising assault focusing on various grown-up sites, including xhamster, which draws in near a large portion of a billion visitors per month.

What is Malvertising ?
Malvertising (from "malicious advertising") is the use of online advertising to spread malware. Malvertising involves injecting malicious or malware-laden advertisements into legitimate online advertising networks and webpages.

According to report of Malwarebytes,

Malvertising first check that, whether you are running Internet Explorer, and exploits the CVE-2013-7331 Microsoft. XMLDOM ActiveX control vulnerability in Microsoft Windows 8.1 and earlier.

Image by Malwarebytes

The malicious advert served by TrafficHaus was for a dating application called ‘Sex Messenger’ and was displayed often enough that we were able to reliably reproduce the infection in our lab, something that isn’t always feasible when it comes to malvertising.

Malwarebytes researcher also identiify that Microsoft Azure and RedHat cloud platforms and now are seeing IBM’s Bluemix being leveraged by threat actors who enjoy the free HTTPS encryption that it provides them in the delivery of malicious code.

Researchers also spotted latest attack on xHamster website that time distributes browser-based ransomeware.

Below websites are latest victim of Malvertising attack
  • Forbes
  • Yahoo
  • Microsoft
  • Realtor

How can we protect?
  • To update latest OS
  • Always Keep your Computer to protect by Internet Security
  • Use AdBlocker add-on in your browser

We have also deleted all third party ads due to Malvertising.

Please read: >> Malvertising Hits 10 Million In 10 Days.  You Might Be Under Attack While Surfing The Web.